Hello Neighbor: Alternative Reality (Fan Game)
5 years ago




Next up

After 5 months since 1.8.2, it's time to give you the biggest update yet in the form of the 2.0 HALLOWEEN UPDATE. It features completely overhauled levels as well as LOADS of quality of life features.

The update releases on October 20th so be prepared!

in the process of changing some systems...

and you can now decorate your house without the neighbor ruining it!

The day-one patch Release v2.0.1 is now out containing the ACTUAL Halloween update that v2.0 for some reason didn't include.

I also included a changelog with most of the major changes introduced in the v2.0 update.

I think we overcooked the meal a tad bit lads

Hey hey. Did ya miss me. You probably didn’t.

How’s development going you ask well…

A 2.3 build will be created to help bridge the gap between 2.2 and 3.0

The alpha 1 redesign is done and is available for you to use. Within reason of course

Enjoy :)

Patch v2.1.1; the first update of 2025! We're throwing Christmas out to look at all the new content through the normal lens.

Patch v2.0.2 is now out fixing even more bugs and also finally getting milk for the Neighbor!

This page has officially reached 1,000 followers, which is insane!! I probably have the only fan game above 1,000 followers at this moment which is really cool and I'm thankful for all your support!

The unfun part begins now. uvs! Starting today. i may occasionally stream development on 3.0 in the server (IF YOU DO NOT WANT SPOILERS ON NEW CONTENT EGNORE THIS AND MOVE ON)

Looks like the Neighbor has decorated his house in time for Christmas! Will you figure out his secrets, or will you get lost in the jolly? Find out in the new Release v2.1 Christmas Update!!