Project D.E.D.I.C.
6 years ago

This is the first part of my battle system which is the ' Combo System '. Here players will be allowed to create combos to maximize on AP usage and damage output.




Next up

Been pulling some All nighters to not only learn the correct way to implement my battle system but doing what i can to tweak the concept so it really balances well!

Working on the first battle scene! This will be the base of the first playable Demo of the game and will focus on the main protagonists clearing A.I. troops out of their childhood neighborhood.

Working on the first battle scene! This will be the base of the first playable Demo of the game and will focus on the main protagonists clearing A.I. troops out of their childhood neighborhood.

Eko's Battle idle animation is ready! - definitely looking to adjust the speed with this one as it was intended for it to be a bit slower.

Working on character design currently. Aiming to get some basic battle designs down as the first playable demo will be focused on the battle mechanics! More details to come!

I figured I would start with a Neighborhood environment as the first battle. This may change for the finished product but for now I want to focus on a playable demo and use this to capture the battle design in the game.

Now that I have a few Sprites to work with I can get started build the UI elements and begin coding the battle mechanics! More to come!

Finally got around to the first version of my Cover Art! A little something to give some visual into the game. Check out more and help make the game a reality! For even just $1, you can help push this game along the track!

Fixed chosen actions not pushing to Action Queue bar. Turns out I set the Text on the button prefab and not the new button... whoops.😅 Please come support Smileyz Productionz and Project D.E.D.I.C!

So here is my first 2 enemies for the game. On the Left we have a ScoutBot, used for scouting the area. On the right is a similar unit called a Drone which is mainly just a surveillance bot that aides Scoutbots and other units in the event of a battle.