Tale Fortress
4 years ago

CHAOS! I think that's my only word for these enemies lol.. They chain react with bombs and destroy part of the terrain too. Keep them away and your fortress will be safe.

PD: Yesh.. I friking did bowling with the Hunter and the gnomes.




Next up

Just the final details for it people! Coming to the Steam's nextfest

Vintage Mode added

Terraforming in TaleFortress! The Pilgrim can use his hoe and pickaxe now to form the terrain around and help making a better zone for the fortress, even making underground protected areas, interesting! No side dig was possible for now.. :(

Fun with 2.5D voxel lol.. 3640x3640 in Y axis Need more rendering touches! computer is as hot as a smash announcement. Testing soon a new system :)

Hunterobics! The knife can be used as a landmine, you drop it and teleport into it for dealing damage on the area. "I LOVE Katarina character.. i miss her lol" The idea is to Roleplay with your pigs and do tasks, the hunter is the aggresive one.

Ghoul Fright News: PirateBlood Studios is now developing Ghoul Fright, with a new team of artists, we are looking for a more violent/adultish approach for the game, we hope to bring the craziest game this 2025! Thank you for the support :)

Floored run gameplay "Best - 6:03"

New stealth horror game! About exploring procedural floors with different monsters looking after you.. Your main tool of survival will be the elevator, and those heavy doors that you use to keep those evil "things" away!

NEW UPDATE! Prototype v.2.3

New Tutorial, Animations, and creepy surprises!

NEW UPDATE! Prototype v.2.2 The Experience Update: New graphics, ambience and gameplay!