Hello again everyone! It's been a few weeks since I've last posted, but things have gotten done! I would guess I'm about 30% done with the second area, but I've got plans for the rest of it too! This project has turned out to be really fun to work on, and I think it's really starting to take shape. I'm very excited to release the full version to you guys once all three areas and the ending is done. But hey, you guys knew that already ;) Lastly, this video features a new music track by Ethan! That song has also been updated into the soundtrack. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this next sneak peak!
Next up
February Devlog! Demo Started, Future Plans, and More!
Color Soul: Memories Winter Sale! (52% OFF)
56% Off Color Soul: Memories Sale!!
Name Change and New Screenshot! (6-22-19 Update)
Color Soul: Memories Sequel Announcement!!!
Color Soul: Memories is Now Available on Xbox!
Started Red Volcano Area! (10-10-19 Update)
Moving On To The Next Area! (8-8-19 Update)
May Devlog! Optimizations, Detail Work, and Sections Complete!
April Devlog! New Creature, Groundwork Laid, and Progress Made!