Minecraft on Scratch

3 years ago

I added spruce and snow in the mountains



Next up

Better skybox :D

Better clouds :)


I made a new thumbnail using 1) A new and more realistic ambient occlusion (Added it in game, not only for the thumbnial)

2) The new lightning system

Adding a debug mode :)

Next thing I'll add is a chat I think (for commands) and I have to fix a bug where when changing the number of chunks to load, it teleports you

I just shared my 3D minecraft game if someone want :)

Added a new animation

Render distance of 13 chunks

Mini Drift is now released on the play store with a new version! This version include various bug fixes as well as better UI and a lot of improvements! You can give it a try here:ā€¦

Here's the level selction menu design for Mini Drift! How could I improve it?

I added "coins" to my drifting game! They're useless for now but it's still cool in my opinion.