2 years ago

I cant believe its not Sonic CD HD! (Sprite made by @You_Start_You_Never_Go_Back )

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Hey, I know it's been a while, but I just wanted to give an update. One, I'm okay. Two, if you're wondering where I've been, well, let's just say I've been very, very busy.

Next Game.

#JimCarrey Chonk version Robotnik. Just doing a quick highlight of my #Robotnik rig because many do not see or understand how much every Robotnik design in existence had been incorporated into this look lol. Also Egg pod! #CC4 #Unreal #Sonic #UE5

Kitty :)

#HedgehogDay Why do I like Sonic so much? To put it short I began to draw and do art because of Sonic at 7. Maybe if he didn't exist I would not exist esp. as pro artist #YujiNaka #NaotoOshima #HisashiEguchi #江口寿志 #Sega 大変にありがとうございました。人生が変わって大変感謝しております。

This is peak map design.

Since many did not realize my cinematic stills were part of a video here is a short clip. "Stardust Speed Demon" The full video short can bee seen on YouTube here: https://youtu.be/v3JOHC_hXjY

Next map bout to be fire