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Project Protostar has fully released! Enjoy!
Zelda-like Bosses is having its full release on Friday! I hope you enjoy the full version!
All versions of Plants vs. Zombies Infected from 1.1.5 to 1.3.6 will begin being added leading up to 1.4.0's official release! New versions will be added each day until 1.4.0 is added on the 12th!
Antivirus has officially released! I hope you download the full version and enjoy! Many additional modifications were done that I did not list in my last post, including:
Plants vs. Zombies Infected version 1.5.0 is almost finished and ready for playing! Just a few more things need to be worked out and it will be released! Here's a little teaser for now...
Plants vs. Zombies Infected version 1.5.0 has released! This has been the biggest update yet! New special plants, enemies, and levels to enjoy!
FNaF Forgotten's soundtrack is now out on YouTube!…
The full release of Antivirus is coming soon, with several new changes! The game should be finished by the end of the year at the latest.
PvZ Infected's official release of 1.4.0 is here! Be sure to play it here:
A pre-release build of Zelda-like Bosses is being released tomorrow. It contains most of the game, with most of the secrets removed. I hope you enjoy and fill out the form when the build is out!
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