As I said I wanna get into voice acting, if you've an animation or game you need VA for please message me, payment is not necessary, you can choose to pay but I don't really care either way.
I've been wanting to voice act for years, I can alter my voice in certain ways if need be. I want to voice act to enjoy it and be part of your story.
I would love to hear back from someone needing a VA for their game, mod or animation.
Side note, I'll be honest and tell you I use OBS to record my voice, but I make sure it's clear and it's of the best quality I can make it.
If you are interested please message me, I genuinely love voice acting and will enjoy working with you, I am a guy so if you are looking for a girl voice I can't help.
TL;DR is uf you need a male voice that will work for free, nessage me.