voiceactor in Voice Actor For Fan Made Games And ETC

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Imagine doing voice acting for a game, doing voice acting for the sequel, calling a Voice Actor to voice the protagonist, and then, for no apparent reason, this Dev blocks you.

Me seeing that a FNAF Fan-games event is going to happen (I want to participate in all of them as a Voice Actor):


My audition to voice Cohen Sigil for 2kdoplr

Background Song Is: "New Look (Wii U Maker Lofi Mix)"

#brooklynbroketheuniverse #indie #indieanimation #voiceactor #voiceacting #va #audition #voiceover


My audition to voice Ash Brown for 2kdoplr

Background Song Is: "New Look (Wii U Maker Lofi Mix)"

#brooklynbroketheuniverse #indie #indieanimation #voiceactor #voiceacting #va #audition #voiceover


My audition to voice Rudy Cortés for 2kdoplr

Background Song Is: "New Look (Wii U Maker Lofi Mix)"

#brooklynbroketheuniverse #indie #indieanimation #voiceactor #voiceacting #va #audition #voiceover