Bryant’s Revenge (A Very Hard Boss Fight Runner 2)
9 days ago

I gotta get back to the game dev grind eventually, I’ve been just messing with Blender and I’ve been having fun with it lol,

it’s been helping me like try new things and think, but soon I’ll probably go back to it again

But yeah



Next up

Boost extensions are real

The tech is gonna be CRAZY

Chai with the Cactus sheirt

This aged perfectly you have no idea

Benjiro (aka @BenjiroBoi ) gets very angry and becomes SSJ2, at last... at last Benjiro's fury exceeds its bounds?

Weird character hidden internal changes? Yes please

Subtle foreshadowing for something that won’t come up until like months later

You’ll understand very soon

My last drawing for now, here’s Chai! I freaking nailed it on this one, still needed to work on the arms. I guess now I can finally rest.

@BenjiroBoi for making Chai, probably one of my favorites. ☕️

At this point this will just be Benjiro's jump because I don't know what other jumping animation to put for him, I mean I jump like this irl anyway so it makes sense(cuz maro)

Febuary over, feeling a lot better and more confident this time

Wish me luck with this once more

When he said that he’s been in the navy, the first thing that popped up in my mind was Top Gun. ._.


Bad news guys I accidentally deleted everything by accidentally clicking the block- oh wait nvm

But yeah I managed to create it!

There's actually a reason why I did it this way than doing the standard way of doin it

bless the file extention