I deleted all of the dark lore, which mind you took awhile to make, in favor of a new one, but I do not like it.
so, I am taking the new and old lore and combining it to make my final, final edition of the dark. here's how it goes:
"RPG" the dark.
RPG the dark takes its game mechanics and uses that for part of the lore, and just the game in whole.
the characters have more importance since they can potentially fight you.
In RPG the dark you actually have to hunt and kill bosses.
2. "Puzzle" the dark.
in PUZZLE the dark, its more of a puzzle game and you only meet characters, no fighting.
the bosses are basically removed. the lore is way diffrent.
I am choosing to do RPG the dark because Puzzle the dark is boring.
I am so sorry. this waisted so much of your and my time.
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