Next up
Soon, I will make a requirements video on my channel for V1.1
It's been a while, I know...
I had been hospitalized recently due to my mental health, meaning i havent had time to work on this project, I have gotten better but i am still delaying this project. I will give more news later on, Please be patient.. - PATM
Okay finee I'll do it :3
It's gonna take a few months to work on though, Great things take time to grow, and make.
Update coming soon (Feburary)
- Extras options like guests, timer mode? etc...
- New Lighting & Remodeled props for better detail and less lag
- Many Huge Quality Improvements and optimization
- Updated Enemy AI, Shotgun, Updated mechanics & more to come.
There's more content coming in the new update...It might release as APK Format (Android Devices) around Mid-Feburary
New Update coming in Mid-Spring, with 5 different new endings and many improvements.
Concept i made, Don't expect any more of this anytime soon.
I'm more focused on the sequel at the moment, And my demo for Lonecry.
I'm already finished with every gamemode except this one. It's the only thing left that's holding me from creating an APK, and i'm waiting for Andi to finish some late textures while i fix an odd bug with the fog and esculator collision.
More Progress of views on the City Remodel. I blurred them to not reveal too much but to give you an idea on how its going so far.