Granny: The Mall

11 months ago

I hate errors...The AI is okay in this game (with actual decent working chase music and multiple enemies) but Granny's having some issues. I fixed most problems holding me from release, but i have one last bug to solve and gamemodes todo before release...



Next up

It's been a while, I know...

I had been hospitalized recently due to my mental health, meaning i havent had time to work on this project, I have gotten better but i am still delaying this project. I will give more news later on, Please be patient.. - PATM

I wish the haters could see me now. I laugh at their comments with a nice cup of cocoa every morning.

No machine can stop me, And i've been waiting weeks to say this, The last stage of development is in progress (Gamemodes & final fixes) then we release!!

Everyone's back together...(Update Coming soon)

There's more content coming in the new update...It might release as APK Format (Android Devices) around Mid-Feburary

First look at the V1.1 Update for GTM, Returning this year, Potientally Releasing Next month.

It will showcase the new features present in Granny 4: The Lighthouse, Like a shotgun, Item system, and enemy ai stuff, Along with a polished experience.

More Progress of views on the City Remodel. I blurred them to not reveal too much but to give you an idea on how its going so far.

Update coming soon (Feburary)

- Extras options like guests, timer mode? etc...

- New Lighting & Remodeled props for better detail and less lag

- Many Huge Quality Improvements and optimization

- Updated Enemy AI, Shotgun, Updated mechanics & more to come.

They're everywhere.

New Update coming in Mid-Spring, with 5 different new endings and many improvements.

Okay finee I'll do it :3

It's gonna take a few months to work on though, Great things take time to grow, and make.