A jester. Her name is Jelavamyu (Джелавамю). She sucks at wielding any other weapon but a mace. Usually doesn't cause chaos unless she's angry, upset or extremely drunk. She's heavy, so don't attempt to carry her while she's passed out on the floor. She's only really light (when she doesn't spend her free time drinking wine). She's shy around new people but opens up rather quickly when she gets to know them. She is also very close friends with Scamshi. A blatant liar of course, when she causes mass destruction around her and then denies everything. In the Card Castle, she was caught drinking all the royal wine so she got kicked out immediately, but she just smiled. To her, the royal guards gave her freedom instead.

Next up
Kromitana (Кромитана) is here! This is what she looks like))))) It took a little while to draw her! Here is another article. (I really love creative writing so I do a lot of them.) When Deltarune Chapter 3 and 4 release, I cannot wait...
Какая ещё фижма?! Хватит выдумывать!! [What is a pannier?! Stop making things up!] I already posted this on my channel but oh well. #smeshariki #memes (I'm so bad at digital art, don't expect me to make those.)
Dress of [[Freedom]] <3
I'll just write an article today. Meanwhile I wrote this on a new little sketchbook. After all, you wanna be a [[BIG SHOT]]!!! But how? How can you be?
God damn it kris.
Big giant Spamton on a whiteboard. I'm having problems with internet so I'm hardly doing any reasonable thing today((((
I 100% failed this. I can't draw digitally.
To do this I literally had to trace my own traditional art since I suck that badly.
commission for razfraz
"Attack Of The Killer Nyu-Nyu" beta release is here! This was strangely easy so far to pitch shift the melody correctly...?