2 years ago

I just finished EarthBound 2! Now the whole trilogy is completed!

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Next up

The funniest game I've ever played.


Four favorite game movies.



The best I can think of is MOTHER 1.

Currently, there are two remakes by separate teams in development, which will probably be the best ways for newbies to start the MOTHER franchise.

By the way, I'm making an M1 skinpack for DF REFLECTED! (WIP)

Met a boy named Ninten today. Seemed cool. #CatsRuleEverythingAroundMe

Sansic Boom reference.

say hi to porky 😈


Since Toby confirmed the year, DELTARUNE will be my most anticipated game in 2025.

Now, who is this mysterious champ?

Favorite Retro Game(s)


My copy of Mother 3 really must be on the fritz or somethin.

Overtime Straw - Full Main Cast & Rebranding!