Note that this is only a idea and might not become a full project but this is what I am going to work for starting tomorrow as of the post date of this update.
1st off, sorry for putting two updates back to back on the same day but I feel like this needs to be in its own update. I have worked with Unity a little and now know a bit more about game creating with Unity.
As I said before I am going to make this game free, not only because I want a lot of people to play and enjoy it but because my game is gonna have a lot of aspects from a lot of other games that Daizoren has played.
I also plan on releasing this game in “episodes” or chapters that will have aspects from games and things that Daizoren has played. For example, I will do a “Slender The Arrival” type level where you’ll have to collect something and because I am new to Unity most likely the places shown in these levels (like the buildings or outside locations) will have been created based off of some other Unity created building (like a tutorial) but then I would change the building giving it more rooms and changing the layout but using the basic design. Credit will be given for everything I use even if it is not copyright.
This seems like I have a full plan, but to be honest, I don’t. This is an idea I had on the spot and who knows how long each episode or level or chapter will be, I have no idea how long it will take me to make, could take me a few days to a few weeks, to maybe even a few months.
I found a video on YouTube that lead me to MasterDevelopers ( which have pre-created backgrounds and a lot of unity stuff.
One in particular says “Slender Kit”, need I say more? I will put in a story of my own in the mix of this but what, i’m still thinking. Will there be voices or just text? That depends on a lot of things, one being if I can get the voices of some characters that are main but won’t really say a lot, and if you think hard, you’ll know what i’m talking about. So, there might just be text and sounds and no real voices.
I need to experiment, but that was the idea that I plan on doing.