10 days ago

I know no one asked, but I did make great progress on the BNJR movie this morning :D

I did the first character interaction scene and it came out very BNJR'y, If you know what I mean



Next up

Good for you

bad news

Very epic fanart from my sister @d1sapp01ntm3nt

In this piece we see Hamster and Sasha kissing to the horror of Ms.N

@PrincessDoit 's MMNNPIDAH as Happy Tree Friends (First Ten Characters)

Honey Sisparilla (Character by @PrincessDoit )

I don't have time atm to work on a comic, so take this as a reminder you are all loved and important

Mfw people can't pronounce the stupid names I give my characters.

Guys!! i'm bored so I made a lil animation

I find it impressive that I made the walk cycle without a reference.

Also, I really like that "Choppy" animation style, it makes it look all stop motion, and it saves frames.

I'm doing it! I'm making progress!