So, uh... two weeks passed from my last post, huh? Well, I wanna say that I'm now home and... ehh. I planned to finish Eggman + Tails duo ending, but I was actually making an animation for my main channel (ARTEMGAMESHOW ). Subscribe to it if you still didn't do that (I've already showed my voice and face there, soooo ^_^). Oh, and btw: then I started to make this fangame, I wanted to make my own Sonic engine, but sadly, I didn't have enough knowlege for it, but now I'm making it. So, one day @FailyTheOfficial asked me to help him with with "intro of the level" and he said "play the level if you want". So, he TRIED to make his own engine, but it was REALLY bad. So, I thought, that I can help him and all last week I was helping him to make the engine. So, now it already have FLYING, SPINDASH, CROUCHING, WATCHING UP and etc. Hope he will release the demo soon and you can test it) so, that's all for now!