5 days ago

I'm happy to announce I have *56* followers!


If you were to ask me "Is fifty six followers even that much", I'd reply "How on Earth are you in my bedroom right now!?"

I thank God everyday for the blessings I have, whether they're small or quite large. I don't deserve any of it. Then again, *none of us deserve anything.* That's what makes God's love so amazing.

Thank you all. Even though my art and writing is only amateur at the moment, I know I'll get better if God wills it.

So, for now, sayonara and goodnight!

1 comment


Next up


As per request, here's the full inked image of Frederick Von Bear. If this gets thirty-five hearts, I will make a full color image.

A two year old sketch of Dr. Robotnik.

This NEEDS to be made known.

Ink, please TAKE IT DOWN.

Gamejolt, do better.


"Of Mice and Men"- A Review

Rat Race Production Update

I feel like I need to point out that #GoldenWarrior38 has consecutively posted the same thing over 15 times.

My honest reaction after watching the Shrek 5 trailer.

Don't make me turn into Afton again.

noelle joined

Only three people voted, but still.

I'm hesitant to post art now because of this.