Sonic Origins Plus Plus

7 months ago

I'm melting due to high temperature outside and inside my room, but believe it or not, I started to recode this piece of ****.
Also a little note. I have to remove arcade titles now, but I will try to bring them back as update.

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Next up

Just a pixel artwork for Era of Mobius

Ni hao, comrades!

Trailer is loaded on YouTube, and premire will be on 6th of April at 12:30 (UTC+3)!

See ya tommorow.

Ni hao, comrades! You remember map from S.O.? Yeah... it got a little downgrade to fit style of collection now. It's kinda strange to have 3d islands in a 2d collection, right?

(First picture - old map, second - new map)

Ni hao, comrades.

I dont have any idea, where do i put Chaotix island, so i want to ask you. If at least somebody will suggest a place on this map, it would be awesome

*hm* *hm*... SORRY WHAT?! HOW MANY GB?!

idk what to post, so keep in mind that whole next week i will work on new pictures for GJ and new trailer

I just f***ing love Microsoft Defender... In case you wonder, project progress on moment of 2nd of September is... 10%.

I did backup only for menu assets...

Somewhen I will release my game. Not today, not tomorrow, but one day... Right now I feel myself like Sergey on image, but I started to rework engine mistakes, that I did, because I didn't know how to work on CTF

A little bit of fun facts while I can't work.

Original name of project was "Sonic's True Origins" and it was started as an archive on my phone in early November of 2022, but since January of 2023 I work on PC version, and since November 2023 I am here.

Ni hao, comrades!

So, yeah. I record material for gameplay trailer, and today is the day, that I finally managed to emulate Sega arcades with my collection. Next day I will test version indev11, so see ya

Yours, Voland