Hello everyone.
I’m really sorry for being totally inactive about this game for so long time. There’s some stuff which gave me trouble in development process, such as a complete loss of motivation, lack of time due to school and all this kind of stuff.
OWaF is not cancelled
I challenged myself to finish OWaF until New Year, but now I realize, that I most likely wouldn’t do it, because I don’t have enough time to. I will try to finish the game so fast as I find a big amount of free time.
I need your help
I asked for help about year ago, and, sadly, didn’t get anything decent. Now I will try to ask again: Artists! I couldn’t draw everything myself, so, if you have good drawing skills, I beg you to help me. Everything I need is to draw Champ and Chump on cameras in different poses. Join this Skype conversation, draw something and I will choose the best one of all (It’s something like competition, like it was past time).
So, that’s everything. See you soon (most likely not, but still)