One Week at Flumpty's Fan-Made
7 years ago

I'm not dead

Hello everyone.

I’m really sorry for being totally inactive about this game for so long time. There’s some stuff which gave me trouble in development process, such as a complete loss of motivation, lack of time due to school and all this kind of stuff.

OWaF is not cancelled

I challenged myself to finish OWaF until New Year, but now I realize, that I most likely wouldn’t do it, because I don’t have enough time to. I will try to finish the game so fast as I find a big amount of free time.

I need your help

I asked for help about year ago, and, sadly, didn’t get anything decent. Now I will try to ask again: Artists! I couldn’t draw everything myself, so, if you have good drawing skills, I beg you to help me. Everything I need is to draw Champ and Chump on cameras in different poses. Join this Skype conversation, draw something and I will choose the best one of all (It’s something like competition, like it was past time).

So, that’s everything. See you soon (most likely not, but still)




Next up

Sorry to disappoint you guys, but here's this

Progress report

Just gonna drop this here so you know the game is not dead. More news later today or tomorrow.

Not dead btw

Hello Gamejolt people! I'd like you to notify that the game is still kicking And not only that, but we also got a new team member: Grassdie He is most famous for his ONaF animations, but if you haven't heard of him, check this out:

The long awaited actually big devlog + NEW PLAYABLE THING