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you can easily tell which is the current. im gonna make the final render soon
First one: Midway
Second one: beginning
Last one: current
New-ish Design done to Kolly! Q&A section added into description!
isn't it hard to believe that it all started with this?
ah 2019
Everyone here's the new official office as now it's vent and hallway anyway read this
Devlog 2
Don't forget about da #Bobbysdayonbeach live stream :) Hopefully you'll also see OTHER team mates work too 7o7
New header + new image for description
Project 1
(2/2) I did have some work done tho for the final version,here take a look. I was gonna do another round of remake with a co Director. The Outside Model is a wip since the Cartboard isn't changed at all.
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