Comments (10)
For all you wondering (so none of you)
progress is being made
map is being refurnished, rendered, and textured. i am currently coding the menu and working on charlies model. i am also busy with the soundtrack, so expect the demo in either a few weeks, or even a few months
Can i help for something??
I want pls
ill give you this by scratch standards this actually could be good

Welcome to Flopsy's Fast Food! Where Imagination is Limitless and Fun Never, Ever, Ends!
After the Regular Security Guard, Loxmer Larson, is Sick AND Busy With His Establishment, Nobody Stepped for the Job, so You, the Janitor, Decided The Extra Money Would be Worth it.
Except... the Establishment Has Experienced Some Issues.
Vandalism, Missing Reports, and One of the Workers Being a Suspected Murderer, the Nighttime Has Gotten Weird. Loxmer Has Seen Some Strange Stuff in the Night, Which Was Blamed On Camera Bugs and Insomnia.
Do You Believe the Stories?

From a Timeframe of 12 to 8 o' Clock You Fend Off Multiple Animatronics in an Anxiety-Filled Night to Survive.

Game Programmer: @DEnderGamer456
Voice Actors: @DEnderGamer456 , @alexthealmighty
Blender Modeler: @DEnderGamer456
Beta Testers: @Loxmer-Larson


This game has flashing lights, Loud noises, and jump scares. if you are prone to seizures or something else triggered by flashing light and screen effects, I would recommend not to download this game, as there are cutscenes, strobing jump scares, and other things...
This Game Is a Five Nights At Freddies Fangame, Meaning It Is Not Monetized And Is Made Just For Fun. Original Game Owned By @realscawthon

Clickteam Fusion

@DEnderGamer456 2019-?