10 days ago

I received a commission on my Ko-fi for this cute little 1-bit robot sprite that they intend to use in their project.

Many thanks for the wonderful request.



Next up

I caught a shiny Voltorb recently in Pokémon Go and, frankly, I was beginning to think they were mythical in the game. I thought I’d share the pixel art I made of the line last year again.

Swipe to see the screen cap of the PoGo shiny.

Coming out of a comment from pixeldotfae’s Twitch stream on Monday, I couldn’t resist making this variant of the “goose holding a knife” image with a lightsabre and the Code of the Sith.

After a slot became available in the Retro Redrawn project of Koholint Redrawn, I decided to step up and complete grid 2-8.

This is the end result and, I have to say, I’m really pleased with how this piece turned out.

⛅🗼 Tour de France 🗼⛅

I enjoyed the Cherry Blossom Torterra piece so much I decided to make more Pokemon variants. This is a Nepenthes-styled Victreebel, with a slight twist on the source of the tail vine.

This uses the Endesga32 palette, as did the previous piece.

Almost like a guardian angel -- (Steve (child) + Sylvia art)


I grant this isn’t a new idea (given the art I found when I looked), but I suddenly got the urge to pixel a cherry blossom variant of Torterra.

I’m really pleased with this piece as I’m not used to working with so many colours.

I’m trying to get into some better pixel art habits and I thought I’d do the #WeeklyPixelJourney prompt of Chess Piece.

I went for the knight, as I thought I may as well go for the (possibly) most complicated shape.

Silent Glow - Unitas (OC)

Drawn on Krita, streamed the process on Discord for all 2 of my closest friends (but only one came)

Consider this the rare art drop of the month and my attempt at redemption after I drew this one: https://gamejolt.com/p/silent-contemplation-subject-unitas-oc-kr…

As for the cherry blossom Torterra, here’s the timelapse for my Nepenthes-variant of Victreebel.