To Say That I'm One Step Away from Getting a Laptop
Yes you read this Correctly, I'm finally getting a laptop after almost 8 Months after the incident. Here's a bit of Backstory:
My Brother And I made a deal about the laptop, He'll give me his laptop in return for my area where I own a concle. Currently, he brought & builded his desk, now all of there left is for his computer to be brought and delivered at the 27th.
And I would like to announce that Austin's will continue to be developed.
Chapter 1
Night with Austin's Chapter 1 development will continue by me. I've been making some concepts for the game as
New map layouts
New Humanoids/Animatronics designs
Better Human Designs/outfits
Now a possibility of Mini games
Possibly Combining 2D characters with 3D environments
As well that The development will officially continue on December 28, I'm excited to see this game Coming back to life once again.
Now Here's some news Regarding Stuffed "Remake"
Stuffed "Remake"
Stuffed "Remake" Development has been through phases like 'Fan made Sequel' & 'Unofficial Remastered", I'm going to be honest, I feel like this Game/project Might not last long due of motivation and Resources to continue this Project.
I'm considering of either making this into
"Unofficial Remake" still OR a Roblox roleplay/game based Around Stuffed Refilled.
Comment to see which you want to see About stuffed.
Now About Project S&S
Project S&S
Project S&S is still in very early Development or shall I say Pre-Dev
Concepts Are Still in the makings
The Story of the Project Is coming along
Characters are slowly getting finalized
Gameplay is still unknown
I'm close of getting into a phase of recruiting People for this project to become a reality but it's not time yet. I'm Make More news about this project early 2025 so keep an eye if you're interested.
That'll be all for Now, Thank you for Reading this Post and to the people That Surprisingly are still Keeping an eye on me as well.
Have a Wonderful Day.