Ultimate Wing Verse

9 months ago

I updated the logo / Я обновил логотип



Next up

Game in progress

I'm already exhausted

Oh, I guess I've been sitting here too long.

so... I don't know... It's my birthday soon, so happy birthday to me

Here is the design of the future “character” for the Bug of Story (comic). It will not be used soon, because the events in which it will appear will not be soon. But still, I decided to show his design, I hope you like it ^^

Prime by Toxin

Lost by VladLog

Well, it looks not bad / Чтож, выглядит неплохо

What can I say...

There's bad news, good news, and really bad news.

We Have New Spriter!!!


Work on the site is going on... albeit slowly (I'm very bad at programming, even in simple ones like HTML, CSS and JS).


Работа над сайтом идёт... хоть и медленно (я очень плох в программировании, даже в таких простых как HTML, CSS и JS).

Анимация Гейм Овера Пёрпла (Часть 1)