I’ve been fairly busy polishing up the game further since releasing the first demo over a week ago.
To cut to the chase, here’s a preview of the new UI I’ve been doing for the battle scene.
The objective here has been to make it easier to identify what exactly is happening. If you recall from the first demo, there was simply a bunch of ugly buttons and very little indication of which player was acting.
(Also the archer shoots arrows now and no longer runs up and clobbers the enemies with his bow!)
There are also some new abilities and there are even more that you will learn simply be leveling up your characters.
Outside of the battle system, there hasn’t been many changes, yet. The overworld has been modified slightly to make the town act as a choke point, allowing me to block off certain areas until certain story requirements are met.
I’ll be on holiday for the next 2 and a half weeks, with perhaps little access to social media so if you follow me on Twitter, you may see less activity during this period. When I return, towards the end of November, I expect to be releasing an update to the demo. Featuring not only the above, but a lot more.