
5 years ago

I've been silent for a while because I've rolled out a *last closed beta update before going for full publication and I'm in the middle of balancing it. Full changelog in the article (expand this post)!

In case you are interested, you can join the last step of the open beta by joining the official Discord server:

Mechanics changelog

  • foreward and backward wake-up roll

  • forward and backward recovery ukemi

  • record & replay actions in training mode

  • survival and time attack mode

  • frame advantage shown in training mode

  • action after guard in training mode

  • free camera mode for screenshots accessible from pause menu

  • improved responsiveness of input buffer (cancels require less mashing and are easier to perform)

  • added Trigger button to input display in Training mode

  • extended amount of gallery artworks (88 pages as of today, for a total of more than 600 pictures)

  • expanded or tweaked movesets for most characters

  • added demo mode with AI matches if you wait long enough on title screen

  • removed all the infinites

Full changelog, character wise

  • gains access to standing Scarlet Screw with qcbP. Running Scarlet Screw has now armor against projectiles

  • all versions of Scarlet Screw have the same followups

  • the non-roll versions of Scarlet Screw can be Ukemi canceled

  • 8K Rising Blade can be canceled into Scarlet Screw


  • Gains access to low blockable throw

  • Running attacks have full Armor

  • Jumping headbutt had armour against projectiles

  • New attack: running sliding headbutt which causes a juggle state


  • gains two new attacks from Rosenhaltung

  • Rosenhaltung can be canceled into guard instantly

  • many moves can be now canceled into Rosenhaltun

  • Rosenkreuzstilette can be followed by a high safe kick

  • Rosenkreuz Torso Rush added as throw followup, replacing Rosendorn

  • her running Schwanentanz juggles on hit

  • increased throw damage to 40


  • gains new Impact move, Wheel of Fortune

  • increased reach of Palm Strike

  • added one standing low attacks which goes into full crouch

  • replaced all P+T with P+K inputs

  • added chain paths


  • gains new chains into her 4K sweep

  • her 4P K now stand juggles

  • improved throw damage

  • her 3K throw can not be broken anymore


  • Her vortex is back to full power

  • Added 8T evasion moves after Velvet Cross

  • Changed input for her back flip from 4T to 8T

  • Increased damage on aerial attacks


  • Added low shot after Welcome to the Outback and as single attack (Dingo Dongle)

  • Improved projectile damage and increased cancel window for all his projectile attacks


  • His old j.P has been moved to j.P+K and is now a trigger move, as it was too safe

  • His new j.P is the old j.P P


  • added trigger move “Absolute Lobster” which makes him armoured against everything for 7 seconds

Tutorial Man

  • increased number of combo paths

  • added air projectile Photon Wave (56k)

  • added anti-air 7P

Elena, Donner, Graf, Renzo, Kiyoko, Doll, Lejl, Skeleton, Johnson and Random received no change as they already work as intended. Lazor and Mira have been added.



Next up

Seven years after the first alpha, Schwarzerblitz v1.6 is out with a HUGE update!

To celebrate its 5th anniversary, I've written an article about the very first, janky, SCHWB alpha from 2017! Thank you to all of you who followed the game since its inception despite the jank!…

Date a gay shark! Or a lesbian disaster! And uncover the mystery behind the Man who Speaks with Flowers in a new Schwarzerblitz short visual novel! Out now:…

My next project MOTIONSICKNESS is finally out! It uses a similar engine as Schwarzerblitz, but with totally revamped shaders and a 2.5D battle system! Open alpha ready at:

On June 1, 2024. The Red Riding Wolf will howl.

Schwarzerblitz version v1.6 is coming soon, with a new playable character, new arcade endings and a lot of system changes.

The black lightning will strike again.

Schwarzerblitz v 1.4.6 is out! New costumes, a new stage and bug fixes!

Due to some issues with setting financial information on GameJolt, I am currently not able to offer the latest DLC through this platform.

"Tales from the Epilogue" is currently available on itch and Steam, but compatible with the GJ version of the game.

SCHWB v1.6 update is (slightly) delayed to middle of June, due to a couple other indie fighting games coming out at the end of May (thus avoiding a pile-up with them). Fanart submissions for the final release are still open!

The impossible happened! Schwarzerblitz was featured at EVO 2022 in the Indie Showcase stream, so YES, let me repeat it, SCHWB WAS SHOWN AT EVO 2022!

Thank you all for your continued support, without you and GameJolt, this wouldn't have been possible!

Schwarzerblitz was featured as a Mystery Game in the Frosty Faustings 14 tournament in Chicago! To celebrate this, a new official Arkaneis skin (+ a new stage) will be added as a free update on 16th February 2022!