11 days ago

I've been working during the last 11 months on a PC game called Dumptrap that since yesterday it's up on Gamejolt. Graphics are inspired by the 16 bit era videogames, 4 zones can be explored since the beningin and there's some stuff to do! See ya, Fer

The original text, since I've reached the platform's limit:

This trash is done! I've been working during the last months, like the last eleven months in a PC game called Dumptrap that since yesterday it's available on itch.io and gamejolt. I made the graphics, music, some voices and SFX. Thanks to Eze, Aye and Mon for the extra voices! Graphics are inspired by the 16 bit era videogames, the four zones can be explored since the beningin and there's some stuff to do! See ya, Fer

Also thank you for everyone here who cared



Next up

Now with subtitles (eng/spanish) sorry rest of the wolrd, my people talks in conquistador language

A random drawing, I'm craving for the real feeling of freedom

My little story it's nearing it's end... and I'm ready to let gamejolt go c: I thought that I had a chance to grow here? But I've proven myself over and over to not fit anywhere haha I guess I'm one of the normies after all...

Added a bestiary and the bloody eye

Guess I'm a VA now...

1 last stretch and I'm done!

Added a band as a quest for lvl4. I already have 1 "quest" per lvl (the mate drinker, the cult, the murderer and the band), I still need 2 more bosses tho for lvl 3 and 4... I also need to figure out how to add some story stuff too...

I only need to add audio for a couple of enemies and some little details, I'm considering to add a new scene with a fianal boss, maybe a mirror version of yourself

Feliz año nuevo!

Added immunity frames