Five Nights at Stickman's 2
3 years ago

I've got some bad news. (More in Article)

Let's just get to the point : VS. A983 is cancelled, at least for a while.

See, i have multiple projects i need to take care of i'm starting to feel stressed out because it's taking forever to finish them all. So, i'm stopping all work regarding VS. A983. I'l get back to it eventually, but not right now.

Also, FNAS 2 is on an indefinite hiatus until the FNAS 1 update is finished. But i think it was obvious already, since you didn't hear any news regarding the project.

So, with FNAS 2 and VS. A983 out of the way, i only have 2 projects to finish as of right now : The FNAS 1 update and the VS. Mat update.

Don't think of those two games being gone forever. I WILL work on them again, just not right now.

Take care for now.


(TL;DR) : I'm not working on FNAS 2 and VS. A983 for now.



Next up

ngl today i was hesitating between Springtrap and Nightmare, but then i thought drawing Balloon Boy would be funnier.

tomorrow, however, i ain't hesitating. i know EXACTLY the kind of shape i'm gonna draw.

get ready.

i'm actually kinda impressed at myself i waited until the final days to draw Jeff the Killer.

what better way to end this "drawingtober" as a friend of mine called it then with the boogieman who's movie is LITTERALLY named after the holiday?

i've had a lot of fun drawing all of this, but i might not do it again next year

Happy Halloween, everyone!

good evening!

since today is the Powerpuff Girls' 26th anniversary, here's a little teaser for Spiceful V2.

(composed by CraftyKevin)

almost Friday

Even the other animatronics are scared of BROS.

I did said they wouldn't smile as much anymore, did i?


Oooooh, lore!

Also, i officially replaced the Marttic cameo with mat.