Five Nights in FNaFTube: [PROJECT FUSION] (cancelled like fr fr)

4 years ago

I wouldn't say this game is currently "on hold"...but progress is feeling very slow rn

This summer is going to be a very buisy one for me.

I got a bad grade in maths, this means i'm going to do an exam at the end of August / the start of Septhember, so i'm going to take some time to study.

I'm also working on other people's stuff:
i'm working with @Mineplayer_05 as the ost composer for one of his games; i'm working with @RaoufSpider as a side programmer for his games and last but not least i have some sound stuff to do for @yielding that i pushed away for way, way too long!

I hope you won't be mad at me about this desicion, but i hope that by helping these developers with their stuff i can also improve my skills in varius aspects of game development, and hopefully when i'll be back, i'll be ready to make this game's shape the one i always wanted it to be.

Now i'm going on Discord to check if Yelding is still alive.




Next up

I will take a short break from the project untill i'm done with my driver's license test. I've failed it the first time, i won't let it happen again.

Malenz's got his eyes on you. Try not to cause any troubles during your trip to the Malenville's dome if you ain't looking for a fight!

today i made this probably usless mask and i slapped it on the endoskeleton head model...oh, also i added something on the page's ost


Taking a quick detour from Codename Galaxy to work on a 5-years-late secret santa present dedicated to a dear friend of mine. CG's demo is still planned to come out near the end of Q1. Sorry for the inconvenience.

si, musica per bambini

I did some graphics stuff today...that's it


That dog girl from the Walten Files's new halloween special you should watch rn.

Chef Nordic teaches how to make real Italian spaghetti

I trashed the old office and i started making a new one today.

I also made a quick scrolling test with a tutorial on YT (link in article). I'm going to make a new one later down the line.

I'm also still learning FL Studio so progress is kinda slow rn.