UNDERTALE: a sansational rematch

6 months ago

Im sorry @the_thoasterrrr , but your sprite is being discarded. but I am sure some else can use it! Is his profile



Next up

why is the scary genocide music playing rn It feels like Im in a movie (because of reasons I wont get into)

If your wondering why I am even no healing the genocide route, its because Im training for fangames:

I just venus in the sky, while I was on a train That was hella cool!

I realised I missed the ballet shoes, so I just hacked my safe file to give me item and it makes the fight so much easier!

aim gaster blasters are cool

no like really

Version 0.1.4 is out!

The version is not polished and will have a lot of bugs. please report bugs and give me recommendations!

I am currently working in the design

this includes:

-battle UI

-sans sprites

-attack sprites (gaster blasters and stuff)

-player/player-attack sprites

-Overworld design? (Maybe) and credit goes to pongy25 and iconic for some of the sprites

Omg be like

Quick behind the scenes! these two control all the attacks and dialouge

They're not quite done