Underswap Thanatos
2 years ago

Important Poll
Final Sprite Update

The recent Sans sprites have been in-use for over a year now, which is honestly pretty crazy considering DustTrust is practically known for its extremely large amount of revisions and sprite updates.

However, as more and more members joined the team, and as the game started to grow, I, Ari, and some other members of the team thought the sprites began to look outdated compared to the art it's surrounded by.

The other half of the team didn't have the same opinions I did, favoring the recent sprites and saying they shouldn't have to be changed.

I tried to fix it with this final sprite update, and that means YOU get to decide if it should be used or not.

We know that the recent Sans sprite has been loved by a large portion of the community through fan-content, etc. The charm is there and we won't force this change on all of you. This is purely your decision.

So here it is:


New spritesheets have already been completed for phase 1 and 2.
Phase 3's new battle pose hasn't been designed yet, so we're only comparing the idle poses.

  457 votes Voting finished



Next up

We're switching to Godot

it's that one time of the year


first devlog should be out by next week (or sooner!)

had a couple of concepts for a new design to bring in a more "old and worn down" look to the ruins, i hope you all enjoy what i've put together!


SOMETHING will drop as celebration for the 2 years of ################, along with an important announcement for the ######### ########


he’s… hungry.

We're looking for poster artists/designers!