Development is going GREAT!
There has only been one single problem that a Quick Google Search was able to fix. So it doesn’t matter, and is not super serious.
Anyways, here is some information on the Demo. The release date of DEMO #1 has moved from the End of August to this Time Window, 7/28 - 8/02/18. It is a Really small time window, and that is a Good thing! here’s another Great thing about DEMO #1, it will be Available for PC, iOS, and Android devices! The Demo will include 3 Whole Areas along with many Sub-Areas to Explore and find references and Easter eggs in.
Why don’t I update you on some small things that have been added.
I had added more (Midi-ized Copyrighted) Music, Added an INN at Hub Island, changed Aids-Man’s Textures slightly, Changed the Game Over, and Powered by RPG Maker MV logo. That’s all I did for the past 8 Hours basically. Sounds like it wasn’t a lot but for me it is.
You have reached the end of this update.