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Added tall grass that you can hide in.
Added deep mud which counts as difficult terrain for humans, but may have a different effect for others.
And a few tileset tweaks.
(2 pictures)
New Orc sprites, new orc walls, and some art of the Swamp Orc. (2 pictures)
Chapter 2 - In Progress
Updating placeholder sprites for things like the rocks to something much better. Been pretty focused on systems and AI so I have been neglecting the pretty stuff.
Battle Art System is in place! When you score a critical hit, the Battle Art will show up for that unit. (Sorry for the large gif)
#Hype! Ninja Link in the next update! Get hyped! Buyable for 800 rupees (3 pics)
The current world map. Though I suspect I'll use something different in-game.
3000 views Fire Dragon Mask Reveal! (Burns Ice, Ice Magic, and Spikes!)
Tall Mutants don't go down so easily.
African Link in the next update! Because #BlackLivesMatter (4 pics)