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New design - new rules
New design of characters(it's omega version)(part 2)
-Leo Parker
-Connor Sand
-Redman the Second
-Jack Torrance
-Freddy Krunker
P. S. If you have some ideas tell me! Let's do the game better! God bless!
New design of characters(it's omega version)(part 3):
-Sophie Berns
-Alexandr Miller
-Cole Reed
-Angelica Wilson
-Killer Zombie
New characters of Valentyn and friends
New design of characters(it's omega version)(part 1)
-Valentyn Pike
-Alice Kloon
-Mark Carrol
-Phil O'Brein
-John Franko
-Andriy Ostapchyk
-Elijah Cage
-Valentyn Drunk
P. S. If you have some ideas tell me! Let's do the game better! God bless!
New character design. His name is Timeryyk - one of the best eight christian weapon soul. Also, he is the best friend and teacher of Valentyn Pike!
New character design. His name is Timeryyk - one of the best eight christian weapon soul. Also, he is the best friend and teacher of Valentyn Pike!