2 years ago

Incident 42: Alexfancypants And Pals Broadcast Interruption Transcript

Alexfancypants: Hey kids, it's me Alex! Welcome to...

*Intro Plays*
*Episode Start*

Camera Pans Onto Mr. Human. Alex walks onto the scene.

Human: Hey Alex.

Alex: HI there bud, are you ready for an adventure?

Human: not right now, Alex. I need to finish this block tower I ma- woah!

Human trips on a block and falls onto his tower, making it collapse.

Alex: Woah there pal, are you ok?

Human: Yeah yeah. *notices his tower is destroyed* Aw man, my tower is gone. I was working on it all night.

Alex: Hey, this doesn't mean you can rebuild it, friend. Let's go find more blo-

Before Alex gets the chance to finish what he said, the signal interrupts before a terrifying image of Alex and Human with realistic eyes staring at the viewer appears. The images disappear and then it cuts to a recording of the backstage at Alexfancypants'. Two employees can be heard.

Employee One: Is it recording?

Employee Two: Yes, it is. I made sure to take the lens off.

Employee One: Good, now lets get this over with. Our task for tonight is to repair the animatronics Alex, Human, and Greendafox. He kinda has a stupid name.

Employee Two: Yeah, who names a character a color and then DaFox? It's just so stupid. I could think of better names.

A third employee can be heard entering and then he gets in view of the camera.

Employee Three: Do I have to always remind you 2 to stay on task? Besides, we're in a restaurant called Alex-Fancy-Pants'. Stop talking about stupid names and go on task.

Employee One and Two: Fine

Employee One: So first animatronic, Human. He's been acting weird to the kids lately and has reportedly saying disturbing things in some of their ears. My guess is that his main programming has been tampered with by a technician who decided it would be funny to mess around with random characters and make them say funny things. Turn on the conveyer belt.

The conveyer belt is seen being turned on and the Mr. Human animatronic being transported to the employees location.

Employee One: Good, now hand me a screwdriver.

Employee Two grabs a screwdriver and hands it to Employee One. Employee One is seen going behind Mr. Human and unscrewing the plate on the back of Human's head. He then connects a cord into Human and then goes to a computer.

Employee One: Just as I suspected. Someone had written swears and harmful lines into his programming.

Employee Three: Delete them. Our shift is almost over, we got to hurry.

Employee One: Ok, ok. I deleted all of them. Let's move onto the next one.

Employee One disconnects the cord and then screws the plate back on. The conveyer belt starts again and Human disappears. Greendafox appears.

Employee One: Second animatronic, Greendafox. He has been stopping during some of his shows and stared at employees for some reason. My guess is that it's a glitch during his scripted performances. He will be a hard one to open up. Laura, can you help me?

Laura: Sure, Randy.

Laura and Randy stands on the left and right side of Greendafox and press two small buttons on his chin. His jaws open up and Randy connects a cord into his mouth. Randy then goes to the same computer.

Randy: So uh, there's no glitches detected here so maybe it's his eyes acting up so we need to replace it. Open cabinet 4

Employee Two opens the cabinet and then grabs Greens eyes. He gives them to Laura and then she takes out Greens eyes and replaces them with the replacements.

Randy: That should work now.

Randy disconnects the cord and then Laura and Randy press the same buttons to close up his jaw. They turn on the conveyer belt and Green disappears. Alex does not appear.

Employee Two: Where's Alex?
Randy: They must've forgot to put him on the conveyer belt. Lets go to the stage and find him

Randy, Employee Two, and Laura exit the backstage.

Employee Two: Hey isn't it weird that the company has us record our sessions?
Laura: Well they want to make sure we do our job.

Employee Two: Yeah but they have us take the camera everywhere, even in the bathroom. It's just so strange, don't you think?

Randy: Hey so Alex isn't on the stage.

Laura: What? Where is he then?

Randy: I don't know but we got to find him or else they might fire us.

The footage then cuts to the maintenance hall as screams can be heard from the other rooms. Employee Two is running away from something. He enters a room and closes the door and then puts a chair on the door to keep the door closed.

Employee Two: This can't be happening. This shouldn't be happening. I can't believe it was his original programming. If someone finds this tape, turn off Alex. Dismantle him. Just get rid off him. He is too dangerous, just don't go anywhere near him.

The door breaks down and Alex enters the room.

Employee Two: No no no no NO NO NO-

The broadcast interruption ends and the end of the episode plays

Alex: So that's why you always help a friend in need! Goodbye everyone!

The episode ends and then it cuts to Harold Radgrigger, the owner of the channel Alexfancypants And Pals airs on.

Harold: We're sorry about what you just saw, dear viewers. Someone had hacked out usual programming and replaced it with a pre-recorded tape of 3 people being attacked and it seems like they didn't make it out alive. The police are finding the person responsible for this hijacking. We're sorry for his mistake everyone

A single frame of Golden Alex appears with the caption "It was not a mistake"

End tape



Next up

Why did I just see all of your guy's moms in the wild?

This is lowkey one of the coolest ways to advertise a mod dropping tbh

NVM happy birthday FNAF 3

Corrupted AlexFancyPants

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Mf's still waiting for That Week At Regalito's 2 when I announce that the lore for the entire FNAA series (TWAR is canon to it) has essentially been almost fully rewritten, meaning That Week At Regalito's 2 is going to take longer to come out:

I hope this works