The events of Kel Leda take place before the events of my other game Catyph. At the time of Kel Leda, Terrans have not yet discovered the Blue Matter System, which will allow them later to fully explore their solar system. As a result, space missions are quiet rare and perillous for the moment, and only a few spaceships can travel very far into space.
The spaceship in Kel Leda is a nuclear propelled spaceship (see WIP model below). The nuclear reactor is autonomous and powered by hydrogen reaction. Hydrogen is quite easy to find in space (there are hydrogen clouds in many solar systems). When the spaceship crosses such a cloud, the hydrogen is aspirated by the large opening at the front, and stocked in several ballons near the reactor. That kind of spaceship is usually called a Bussard ramjet (unless I made a mistake in translation!).
In the game, the spaceship will be named Buzzard 1.