Comments (10)
Very movie-esque! I included it in my compilation video series of games from the Adventure Jam 2017, if you’d like to take a look :) https://youtu.be/P7r0mLy2qog
I'm stuck with the code...
Short and great at the same time ! Congratulations for all these cinematics. Wonderful job in 10 days only !
The demo is short but amazing!
I love the atmosphere and the cinematographic touch, my congratulations!
Kel Leda
Game Soundtrack
GuitareSpatiale - Kel Leda OST - SimonSaysPlay
- 1.GuitareSpatiale - Kel Leda OST - SimonSaysPlay
- 2.LumiereDouce - Kel Leda OST - SimonSaysPlay
- 3.Tambours - Kel Leda OST - SimonSaysPlay
- 4.CalmeStation - Kel Leda OST - SimonSaysPlay
- 5.Monastere - Kel Leda OST - SimonSaysPlay
- 6.GuitareSpatiale2 - Kel Leda OST - SimonSaysPlay
- 7.Mysterieux - Kel Leda OST - SimonSaysPlay
- 8.MainMenu - Kel Leda OST - SimonSaysPlay
Kel Leda is my project for Adventure Jam 2017. I created it in about 10 days (I couldn't start the Jam on day 1), and couldn't go as far as I had planned. The game is more a narrative experience than a puzzle game, but I think it can still be categorized in the adventure genre. It's a point and click story.

203x. The hero, Jack Ollin, travels to planet Catyph, long before the discovery of the Blue Matter system (and so, before the events of my other game Catyph). Unfortunately his spaceship suddenly starts to fail and the journey cannot continue as expected. The astronaut and his AI, DIAM, are somehow attracted by a secret on Kel Leda, a moon covered with thick ice, where scientists believe that there is a vast liquid ocean under the surface...

Kel Leda is in the continuity of my previous games ASA and Catyph (the Black Cube series). It is a first person adventure game made of pre-rendered static views, in space and other scifi environments. However for once, I tried to make things a little different. You don't play as usual by watching through the eyes of the hero: you play on his computer, from within his spaceship, and you control the story with the OS, on the desktop, with the help of your AI.

Another game in the Black Cube series.
HD graphics, prerendered background in 1080p, developed with Visionaire Studio
Opening movie in CGI
A narrative story with full voice over (french)
English and French subtitles
Music and voices generated by the developer for the game jam
Includes a video making of (concept art, 3d research, modeling, ...)