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After doing some play-testing at the office, I concluded the following: - The shooting prototype will feel better with normal shooter movement. - The "Moral system" is engaging but needs more options. - 3rd person view feels good for exploration.
The prototypes build is ready and I was preparing a video for that post but I got a call today for a meeting tomorrow and I have to prepare some info TT_TT ... I'll post it tomorrow !
1st Digital prototype... almost finished.. due to "The genius" that crashed into an electricity pole near the office and I had to work on the prototype until 1 am :). Shooting is the only thing missing (Dash, aim + ray cast done). Will share it this week
1st Milestone reached!! The scope have been finally established (Description edited), the goal for this week is to create a prototype and I will love if you can provide your feedback! I'm really excited ^_^ / for it. Talk to you soon
Quick note: - I had an issue with animations but it got solved. (For prototyping) - I just delivered a project for a client. I'm working on a boring but useful app for another client. I won't be able to post frequently (gotta pay the bills). #shooter
Lack of updates due to: - An event. (Pics) - Signed a contract to develop an app (ends July). 2 more apps in the queue - Improving and porting Void in the Sky ( for PC and ??? (requires less time) - Still working on Soul Update
I just finished the shooting part. I'll try upload this prototype and the paper one I did so I can receive feedback early. This are gameplay prototypes which means: It should feel engaging even with placeholders. Aesthetics come after it feels fun.
Paper prototype for the Leveling system based on a moral one finished! Unfortunately I can't share it since it is on paper, but tomorrow I'll start working on the digital one for the shooting part and if there is time this week I'll include this one on it
We are going from left to right. Why? the answer soon. (Don't you think that peeking ear is cute? ) - Limitations: I have to deliver 2 non-game related projects so I'm doing progress but slowly, I work on parts that help me relieve stress from work.