Just look in the corner
2 months ago

It's just a small school project !
Please remember that this game was done in 4 days !

I've used assets that are not mine !
Like :
Image of the entity
Sounds effects
Camera effects
Image at the title screen
Bed image



Next up

I'm going to have to put Lostween production on hold until February 25 for personal reasons! I'll reassure you right away, the game is going very well, and is more advanced than ever!

"So it's a deal then ?" Little Misfortune is visiting Lostween during her free time ! Who knows what kind of deal she will offer you.

🎃 Q.a.A 🎃

Here are the answers to Lostween's Q.a.A !

A huge thank you to everyone who took the time to ask a few questions ! I hope to give you some news soon !

Still working hard on the game ! I think I'll be able to tell you more on February !

Long time no see huh ? YES ! I'M STILL WORKING ON THE GAME AND YES ! IT'S GOING WELL ! I'm starting to see the end of it and I can't wait to finally share it ! Only a little more patience you all !

Can't wait to share more of Lostween with yall ! Until then, execution !

Still working good on the game ! Can't wait to finally share it !

🇦🇺 A second Trailer for Lostween is coming ! No date for now, just a confirmation that you'll hear news about the twisted village soon !

WOW ? A LOT OF NEW PEOPLES HERE ?! Wassup, I'm Twisted Moon, I make games and I already did one called Interêve, it's free and pretty bad lol. I'm currently finishing my second one, Lostween. I haven't been active lately but I'm working hard on it !


Many people have recently Followed my account! I thank you all from the bottom of my heart to have embarked on my hellish carnival! I'm currently creating a game called Lostween in a goth universe around Halloween!

I hope you'll enjoy it!