
Comments (1)

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This game has been in 4 days for a school project so don't expect something big.

Just a really quick simple project that I wanted to share. Might delet it later.


Just look in the corner

Version: 0.1.02 months ago

5 people mysteriously disappeared within a week of each other. Some of them were close to a video surveillance camera before their disappearance.

As a private investigator, it's up to you to search the video archives. #other #horror


It's just a small school project !
Please remember that this game was done in 4 days !

I've used assets that are not mine !
Like :
Image of the entity
Sounds effects
Camera effects
Image at the title screen
Bed image


I'm aware of the video freeze at the end of the game ! I'm fixing this as soon as I can ! For now, you can check the video in the folders of the game by going in the "movies" folder and click on the "cave_final" video"

The game ends after