It's real! A sequel remake! Now, just a friendly reminder that the original ONWNRTE by AwezomeXD already has a sequel, Nights With No Reason To Exist, go check it out here
My sequel won't be a direct remake of NWNRTE, instead, I'll be doing my own spin on a sequel. Think of it like Rob Zombie's Halloween (except not for the worse). Instead of 6 (7?) nights like NWNRTE, mine will include only one night (plus a little something, check out the list at the bottom (after you read all this)). It will, however, include a couple of assets and elements from NWNRTE (when I mean assets, I mean sound effects. No way I'm gonna steal Awezome's awesome sprites), and probably recycle some mechanics into original ones.
Expect development to be a bit slow for a few weeks, I'm still rolling out updates for ONWNRTE.
Oh, and speaking of ONWNRTE, here's a couple of things you can expect in future updates:
-A reworked menu
-A new, harder night, similar to One Night at Flumpty's Hard Boiled Mode
-A few character position redesigns (as I said, I absolutely hate how Cloak looks on Cam 4)
-More props on cameras to make it livelier or creepier, whichever, and one of the planned character position redesigns makes use of one of the planned props
-A reworked ending, same music, but where it's played is better (after all, if you've done your research, you know where the music is played in the game it originates from ;)
Anyways, that's all, no new update today (sadly) but I'm working hard to bring you the best ONWRNTE and its sequel can be :)
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