2 months ago

it's time to #promote my bluesky account (again)

PLEASE FOLLOW IF you like Transformers Sonic sonic.exe undertale megaman minecraft and SwapSwap. also PLEASE PLEASE INTERACT WITH THIS POST AND SPREAD IT AROUND LIKE IT AND MORE PLS


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Next up

When you get followed by that one group of really cool people who created one of the most iconic aus ever be like.

Shadow and Maria having a little stroll

mr hue hues

: Aseprite

: mem16

Our 2024 Advent Calendar has opened! Day 28: @Silentfaith is a great Creator and comic artist who also codes fan games! Accept the quest and give them a follow to get Coins and a seasonal sticker!

We are under attack!

Shadow The Hedgehog X pixel art

So here's the first of the zodiac signs i will make for the next weeks.

Finished work on the emotions of a new character for the tank universe

One of the most critical update for Sunblaze demo. Now you are able to pet a cat! Finally!

Today I tackled drawing different variations of facial expressions for one of the main characters in Eden. What do you think of it? :) Eden: https://gamejolt.com/games/Eden/592698