help_me in Sonic.exe

up for new programmers, producers and more members of the development team
о сердечки русские короче дайте пожалуйста спрайтлист соника ехе какого-нибудь желательно из игр Твина give me sonic.exe spritelist plsplspslpslspslpslspslpslpssplsplslpslspslpslslpsplsllspplslpslpslpslpslplsplpslps

you need to ip ban the Vans user on Rigs Of Rods
he is a phycopath hurting a homeless people
and give 500 robux to me or 1000
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE go check this out. it's a post I made that'll take you to a YouTube video I also made that's about veriations of already existing characters from ALL THROUGHOUT media. please subscribe if ya want to.…