We've been working hard to make Quantum Shift even better!
Thank you to everyone who's downloaded so far!
Here are the full patch notes:
-Added new Time Attack mode
-Added custom Time Attack parameters
-Added Time Attack challenge presets
-Added challenge completion tracking
-Added Keyboard and Mouse support
-Added opening cutscene
-Added new alternate ending
-Added new ending choice popup
-Added ending illustrations
-Added new map rooms
-Added new map events
-Added brand new music
-Player now has directional sprites
-Added decoration across the map
-Added spatial audio
-Added various animations
-Added new custom Audio options
-Added Photosensitive Mode
-Added Gameplay toggles
-Revamped enemy blood effects
-Revamped teleport bullet sprite
-Revamped UI Art (now pixel art)
-Revamped map tilesets
-Revamped main font
-Revamped dialogue and narrative
-Revamped audio mixing
-Revamped final escape soundtrack
-Fixed Save/Load state bugs
-Fixed gun rotation bugs
-Fixed many various collision bugs
-Fixed layer order bugs
-Fixed menu navigation highlight bug
-Fixed incorrect confirm button on PlayStation
-Adjusted final timer time limit
-More miscellaneous bug fixes