Items, water bodies, hand slots, better lighting and effects, dynamic weather, physics upgrade, console commands and many more on BetaTest 0.4 - now available for supporters and beta testers.
Check out the changelog here:
Next up
I've made a volumetric shader for local fog and smoke. Density variation was really challenging to make but I got a good result after some hours and tricks.
Looking for color references? I've created a color charts gallery featuring +400 manually selected tones. From basics and real samples to sets and composition.
Please comment below for any suggestions, updates are coming soon
Craftsman's Nodes update - including 3 new procedural materials: clay, bone and glass.
Check out this product:
Improved main menu and interfaces, Earth is finally here! Coming on BetaTest 0.4
I've worked on effects improvements recently. Smoke and dust particles are volumetric now - which interacts with lighting better and brings a feel of depth. No extra performance cost. 'Heavenfall' - 5.8 update
March 15, 2025
'Mirrorscape' - an abstract scene I made on Blender. This is one of my first times I work using such a decolored palette.
I've released a web-based particle systems bundle. Try them out, get the files and source code for you to freely reuse and modify. Let me know any suggestions and particles you want for me to include
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