JAPARITALE [Undertale Fangame]

2 years ago

JAPARITALE Progress Report - (January 2023)

Howdy! During these past few months, we've been trying our best to actively develop the game, thus we brought some important news to share!

Demo v2.0 Progress

If you want to take a quick peek at what's implemented right now, here are all the changes listed.

  • Finished the main development of Chapter 2. There is still an alternate route planned to be implemented into the game, but the main content is finally done.

  • Added new songs! Several tracks were added to the game and are now ready to be released to the public. You can find all the new songs in the Soundtracks section.

  • Added First Time Setup! Just like in TS!UNDERSWAP and DF CONNECTED, when you first open the game, you'll be greeted with a simple, yet interactive setup screen. Don't worry, though, you can change the rest of the settings in the EXTRAS section.

  • Fixed several sprites! Kaban's running sprite was using the old style, so we had to change it.

  • Made changes to the Main Menu! We've added two separate songs that play during the night or day. Smooth transitions were also added so that the game looks much more smooth.

  • Fixed the GameJolt API bugs! Fixed a problem where the "/" character can be used during the logging-in process.

Regarding Chapter 3

Although Chapter 3's plot is similar to Waterfall's, it has whole new two areas which are The Plains and The Shrine, which are somewhat challenging obstacles Kaban has to face to reach The Observatory. On her way, she encounters threats who want to hunt them down, but is saved by a FRIEND. You will be fighting with the hunters at the end of Chapter 3, but you will reach the Observatory after some time.

First Time Setup


Just like in TS!UNDERSWAP and DF CONNECTED, when you first open the game, you'll be greeted with this. More settings become available once you hit "CONTINUE". You can change these whenever you want, so there's no need to worry.

Main Menu Changes

The main menu has been changed a little. If you're playing the game during the evening or night, you'll be greeted with a new great song alongside a special background.


In-Game Screenshots

Most of the elements are changed, which means we can show you the new stuff without any concern.


The Settings Menu has only been changed slightly, but it's still worth showing in the devlog here.


And of course, the last room of Chapter 2! You just have to go through that hole to be in the next room, which is a gate between Chapter 2 and Chapter 3.

With that being said, that's all for today! Hope you enjoyed our devlog so far! Your feedbacks are very important for the development of JAPARITALE.

- Animeliqite

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