Jax Justun in His Adventures in Middle School: Chapter 1 1/2: Dawn of Lord Bendy & Twisted Alice

1 year ago

Jax Justun Studios/Fan-Made Steam Game Header #1 - (Created on: March 9th, 2024) - Well hello and afternoon to all of me fans from the (Five Nights at Freddy's) FNAF and Bendy Series-es!!!!!!

How's life/your guy's days everything?!! Anyways, as you may seen up top of this post here, I'd not only put the images of both "Ink Bendy" (Lord Bendy) and the "Bendy Cutout" from the first Bendy game, but also the first "Jax Justun Studios/Fan-Made Steam Game Header" that I'd ever made in my entire 18-year-old life!!!!

And of course it's also known as also as "Jax Justun in His Adventures in Middle School Chapter 1 1/2 Dawn of Lord Bendy & Twisted Alice - EpisodeChapter One Steam Game Header" for its file name!!!!! And I must say folks, this turned out pretty well to be positively honest here!!!!! And of course, this chapter will have only TWO Episodes!!! As for Chapter 1 1/2 parts Two and Three (originally named/called as Chapter 1 1/2 parts ONE and TWO), they'll have more then TWO episodes!!!!!!!

So yeah folks, that's it for now, I guess.......Stay tuned for more future updates, kind of like this one right here!!!!! #LegendsNeverGiveUp!!!! #BothBendyAndFNAFmeets #JaxJustunStudiosTogetherinONE!!!!!! #LoveYouGuys!!!!!! #SeeYouAllNextTime!!!!!!!!



Next up

Official Opening Parts for #55thJJSvideo Only - (Created on: March 30th, 2025) Whoa!!! Is it already out??? Yeah!!! Don't be fooled you guys!!!!!

Afternoon of me beloved fans of FNAF and Bendy!!! How's it going so far?!?!?!!!! Today's/Today was March 12th, 2024, and I got something special here to show you guys for today here of course!!!!!!!

Random things for Slime Heros here!!! #MySlimeHero!!!! #SlimeHeroesWishlist!!!! #SlimeHeroesCorrupted!!!!!! #SlimeHeroesSkills!!!! And finally (I hope...) #SlimeHeroesWeapons!!!!!!

HI HI HI back from the dead!! And good news? A BRAND NEW RENDER FOR YOU ALL TO ENJOY!

The new Header thing is finally made for this future parody BandTIM game called:

Cold Memories | The Fazbear Facility - Teaser

2018 Parody Cameo Character #2 - Smudger - From the FNAF Fan-Made Series called "Five Nights at Smudger's" Can you all even believe if a little green engine's officially known to be a parody cameo mascot of Jax Justun Studios???? Really??? That's a NO????

TheseNatJJs10 (All DDS Parody Cameo Mascots from Series Two/2024) - Created on: March 27th, 2025 Okay, final post for today/tonight for real's this time!!! Yes, I had to create this because I was bored for like couple of seconds and everything!!!!!

My Birthday + Final Release

2024 Recordatus DDS Parody Character #4 - Spunney Filuro "SpentMoney GawGecko" (Created on: Jan. 4th, 2025) Umm??? Wait a minute here???? Why's "SFSM-GG" doing here again??? We'd already shown him off like last month ago..........