Jax Justun in His Adventures in Middle School: Chapter 1 1/2: Dawn of Lord Bendy & Twisted Alice

1 year ago

Jax Justun Studios/Fan-Made Steam Game Header #2 - (Created on: March 9th, 2024) - Well hello and afternoon once again towards all of my fans from the (Five Nights at Freddy's) FNAF and Bendy Series-es!!!!!! How's everything so far for your guy's days!!!!

Anyways, here's something that I'd made here on March 9th, 2024, during those exact and same moments right after I'd created and uploaded the first JJS/Fan-Made and the first HHS/Fan-Made Steam Game Headers as well!!!!! Here's the the second (or also the 2nd to third) "Jax Justun Studios/Fan-Made Steam Game Header" that I'd ever made for just one single day here in/on March of 2024!!!!!!!

It's also known as "Jax Justun in His Adventures in Middle School: Chapter 1 1/2: Dawn of Lord Bendy & Twisted Alice - Episode/Chapter Two Steam Game Header" in its files and has "Twisted Alice" (Originally nicknamed/named/called as "Evil Alice Angel") and her friendly version of her cutout form as well!!!!!!!! By the way, I'd also put it on that list of all of them Jax Justun and Jax Marble Adventure game list as well!!! Go check it out if interested!!!!!

Well guys, that was the 2nd/3rd to the very last Fan-Made Steam Game Header for today folks!!!!!! I must say though, this future fan-made of a FNAF/Bendy-like parody game series is like EIGHT YEARS OLD as of today this point!!!!! And I can't wait to show you guys all of the brand new changes that I'll be putting into these things as well in the near future!!!! As for now, be safe and have a wonderful day!!!! #LegendsNeverGiveUp!!!!! #BendyPlusFNAFTimes #JaxJustunStudiosEquals209Years #OfParodyLikeCreations!!!!!!! #LegaciesNeverEverSurrender!!!!!!!!



Next up

2024 Recordatus DDS Parody Character #4 - Spunney Filuro "SpentMoney GawGecko" (Created on: Jan. 4th, 2025) Umm??? Wait a minute here???? Why's "SFSM-GG" doing here again??? We'd already shown him off like last month ago..........

DDS Parody Depiction #7 (For Mrs. Pieya-Face) - Created on: March 29th, 2025 Oh boy!!! My allergies are acting up again!!! Hopefully, not as worse-er then before!!!!! But hey, this matches today's post here on March 29th, 2025!!!!

Official Opening Parts for #55thJJSvideo Only - (Created on: March 30th, 2025) Whoa!!! Is it already out??? Yeah!!! Don't be fooled you guys!!!!!

HI HI HI back from the dead!! And good news? A BRAND NEW RENDER FOR YOU ALL TO ENJOY!

2018 Parody Cameo Character #2 - Smudger - From the FNAF Fan-Made Series called "Five Nights at Smudger's" Can you all even believe if a little green engine's officially known to be a parody cameo mascot of Jax Justun Studios???? Really??? That's a NO????

Cold Memories | The Fazbear Facility - Teaser

Random things for Slime Heros here!!! #MySlimeHero!!!! #SlimeHeroesWishlist!!!! #SlimeHeroesCorrupted!!!!!! #SlimeHeroesSkills!!!! And finally (I hope...) #SlimeHeroesWeapons!!!!!!

Jax Justun Studios/Fan-Made Steam Game Header #1 - (Created on: March 9th, 2024) - Well hello and afternoon to all of me fans from the (Five Nights at Freddy's) FNAF and Bendy Series-es!!!!!!

My Birthday + Final Release

DDS Parody Cameo Depiction #7 (For Aqua "Aqua Keyblade") - Created on: March 30th, 2025 Can you all believe that about two days or less that it's going to be #AprilOf2025!!!!! So yeah, it's now March 30th, 2025!!!!