Five Nights at Jax Justun's 19: A Nassive Dreadhot-Ted of A HHS Nending
2 days ago

Jax Justun Studios Video #53 - (Created on: Feb. 27th, 2025 - March 1st, 2025) Well guys, Haxx Hustun Studios, Napature Science, & HT Band Entertainment are all FINALLY back!!!!!


With an all new and official #JJSvideo to be expected here folks!!!!! Wait??? You guys had made this video since them starts of the #27thDay from February of 2025?????? WOW!!! Didn't expect all of that of course!!!!!! So yeah guys, it's the first and official day of March of 2025!!!!! And to start things of course, Haxx Hustun Studios has created the official #53rdJJSvideo that's an official list of all official parody mascots, parody cameo mascots, and parody recalled mascots from Haxx Hustun Studios of course, from Series Two of 2024!!!!!! And yes!!!! There's a lot of them, this list speaks for itself of course!!!! Just look at it!!!! Good luck and of course, you're all going to need it!!!!! #OOOHBBBOOOOYYYYY!!!!!!!!

Series Two (June of 2024 STILL):

Parody Characters: TWELVE

  1. HHS PC #10 - Fwrog Sttroke - (Created on: March 23rd, 2024)

  2. HHS PC #11 - Vlawd-Viarus - (Created on: March 31st, 2024 "Easter Day")

  3. HHS PC #12 - Nister Stop-An-Pop - (Created on: March 31st, 2024 "Easter Day")

  4. HHS PC #13 - Mr. Getlalickingrish - (Created on: March 30th, 2024)

  5. HHS PC #14 - Of-Vaw-Dozen "Therrance" - (Created on: March 27th to 28th of 2024)

  6. HHS PC #15 - Volloxibox Vlox - (Created on: April 28th, 2024)

  7. HHS PC #16 - Pink Zightling (AKA: The Pink Motorcrosser 81-Thousand) - (Created on: April 30th, 2024)

  8. HHS PC #17 - Awww Daa Imposter (AKA: A-Di) - (Created on: April 3rd, 2024)

  9. HHS PC #18 - Mr. Vampire Bust “The Robo Vamp” (AKA: The 12th Evil Cloud Keeper) - (Created on: April 29th, 2024)

  10. HHS PC #19 - Lord Joxxerbux - (Created on: April 13th, 2024)

  11. HHS PC #20 - Sir I’ll Say Peigg "Eyellsay Peigg Bird" - (Created on: April 25th, 2024)

  12. HHS PC #21 - Nelephinnt - (Created on: April 4th, 2024)

Recalled Parody Characters: FOUR

  1. Recalled HHS PC #1 - Drishing "Drish" - (Created on: March 29th, 2024)

  2. Recalled HHS PC #3 - Table-La-Labble (AKA: The Tabble Labbler Pet) - (Created on: April 5th, 2024)

  3. Recalled HHS PC #4 - Wolff-Lamp (Recalled Originally on: May 17th, 2024) - (Created on: April 25th, 2024)

  4. Recalled HHS PC #5 - Due-Eye-Say “The Doose-Eye Box” or "DooseEye BirdMcCaw" - (Created on: May 2nd, 2024)

Parody Cameo Characters (AKA: The Pro-Techtors of "Hechology Technolegy" or the "HT Band Members") Only: EIGHT

  1. HT Band Member #1 - Mr. Corallus - (From the Advent of Ascension "Nevermine" Minecraft Mod) **Also Part of Line-Up of PCC of Jax Justun Studios**

  2. HT Band Member #2 - Evil Alita B.A. “Evilalita The Battle Agirl” - HanvDwanda Jeuda - (From Alita Battle Angel 2019???) **Also Part of Line-Up of PCC/PC of Jax Justun Studios and Draxx Dustun Studios**

  3. HT Band Member #3 - Springtrap - (From FNAF 3 (Five Nights at Freddy’s 3) March 2nd, 2015) **Also Part of Line-Up of PCC of Jax Justun Studios**

  4. HT Band Member #4 - Strawberry Short Heiste - (Meebkin From My Singing Monsters on Ethereal Workshop Island) **Also Part of Line-Up of PCC of Jax Justun Studios**

  5. HT Band Member #5 - CatNap - (From Poppy Playtime - Chapter Three: DEEP SLEEP January 30th, 2024) **Also Part of Line-Up of PCC of Jax Justun Studios**

  6. HT Band Member #6 - Dark Squid - (From the Splatoon Fan-Verse) **Also Part of Line-Up of PCC of Jax Justun Studios**

  7. HT Band Member #7 - Soxx Heiste - (Sox From My Singing Monsters on Ethereal Island)

  8. HT Band Member #8 - Crystal The Octoling - (From the Splatoon Fan-Verse) (AKA: Crystal-Ling Strikershows)

Parody Cameo Characters: SEVENTEEN

  1. HHS PCC #9 - SMG0 - (From the SMG4 Universe Series April 2nd, 2022)

  2. HHS PCC #10 - Niles - (From the SMG4 Universe Series April 2nd, 2022)

  3. HHS PCC #11 - Theo - (From Meta Runner)

  4. HHS PCC #12 - Scary Girl - (From the Total Drama Island Reboot Series)

  5. HHS PCC #13 - The Were-Rabbit - (From Wallace & Gromit: The Curse of the Were-Rabbit)

  6. HHS PCC #14 - Oneshot Wren - (From the SMG4 Universe Series July 8th, 2023)

  7. HHS PCC #15 - Francis - (From the SMG4 Universe Series June 6th, 2019)

  8. HHS PCC #16 - Baharreya May Hem Heiste (AKA: "Sarreena Heiste") - (Vhamp “Adult Variant” From My Singing Monsters on Celestial Island)

  9. HHS PCC #17 Neo Agent 3 "Nieag" - From Splatoon 3

  10. HHS PCC #18 - Meggy Spletzer - From The SMG4 & Splatoon Universe **Originally Part of Line-Up of PCC of Jax Justun Studios**

  11. HHS PCC #19 - Syringeon - From Garten of BanBan **Originally Part of Line-Up of PCC of Jax Justun Studios**

  12. HHS PCC #20 - Mizza Zeeaction Sunlight Ender Dragon (MZSED) - Sunlight Dragon

  13. HHS PCC #21 - Harmawn Arshgga Marroun Zombie Ender Dragon (HAMZED) - Zombie Dragon

  14. HHS PCC #22 - Evelyn Claythorne - From Meta Runner

  15. HHS PCC #23 - Enchant Ender Dragon (EED or ED) - Enchant Dragon



Man!!!! Haxx Hustun Studios and both Napature Science AND HT Band Entertainment had really knocked this official #52rdJJSvideo out of the park of course folks!!!!! And yes, the reason why that this one here had to be created around at the starts of #Feb27th2025 was because, of course, my mind was all like, "I just wanted to get this out of the way of course"!!!! And I did, and of course, once more, I had took my time-ness and everything to make all of this pop out and everything!!!! And like before with the #52ndJJSvideo back on Valentine's Day of 2025, I didn't really go all out the colors on the text because 39 amount of parody mascots, recalled mascots, and parody cameos are like a lot!!!!!

So yeah, this video had to take time and effort on how much cramped of a parody space there is around this video here!!!! But of course, it kind of turned more better in the end as always folks!!!! And of course, you all guessed it!!!! Every single official parody staff member of Jax Justun Studios had finally returned form their five month long two year vacation and they're all now better then ever!!!!! Jax Justun Studios are pleased for all of your from giving them positive love and support since their vacation and everything!!!!! And if it wasn't from their other friends from HHS HQ and DDS HQ, their parody legacy-ness would never have happened!!!!! Anyways folks, stay tuned for some more future updates as always!!!!! March of 2025's already getting started and everything seems to be like it was yesterday!!!! Have a nice and relaxing first day of March of 2025, and we'll see you later for some more future parody updates!!!!!!! #Happy106thBirthdayHHS!!!!!!! #LegendsNeverGiveUp!!!!! #WelcomeToHTbandEntertainment!!!!!! #LegaciesNeverEverSurrender!!!!!! #NapatureScienceLovesYouAll!!!!!!! #RespectThemPositiveParodies!!!!!!!!


Official Info for Song/Background Sound that was used for this Official #53rdJJSvideo ONLY:

(Official Link to Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fNLBuC4oNWk)

(Official Link to it's Official Credits Sequence: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qeeeXEctGsw)

Official Name for Official Credits Sequence Video: Garten of Banban 0 - Credits Sequence

Official Name of Official Song: Amnesia (from Garten of Banban 0)

Official List of ALL Creators/Singers of Song:

Creator/Singers #1 & #2 - Faris & Ghepo (The Euphoric Brothers)

Creator/Singer #3 - Black Gryph0n

Creator/Singer #4 - Baasik

(Ever since this official BanBan Fan-made Song had came out when the zero instalment of Garten Of BanBan was release when I was sick (having a fever) and everything, this song was already stuck in my head for nearly hours on end!!! Both the song AND BanBan 0 were one of the best moments that I'd ever had living around since Feb 21st, 2025!!!! I can't wait to see what the future will be instore for our beloved BanBan & Friends!!! And congrats to all of the creators/singers who'd made this amazing and positive song here!!!!! To make this video possible of course!!!!!)

-Have a nice and safe day and THX for Watching!!!! Can't to see what #MarchOf2025 will have instore for all of us here!!!!!!!



Next up

2018 Parody Characters #3 & #4 - Jeffrrey & Gridget (Both Created on: January 5th, 2024) Today's DDS/JJS parody TTCD Recorded broadcast is two times more crazier then ever!!!!!!

2024 DDS Parody Character #30 - Lord Christmas Ornament (Created on: March 1st, 2025) Well folks, today's finally the day!!!! It is now March 1st, 2025, the #106thYearAnniversaryEvent for Haxx Hustun Studios!!!!!!

2024 DDS Parody Cameo Characters #39, #40, & #41 - Greg The Alien, Fred, & Terrance - All From The SMG4 Universe Series Well Draxx Dustun Studios, you'd finally done it again here!!!! Showing off some more of your official #DDSparodyCameoMascots here!!!!!


JJS Parody Cameo Bio Poster #4 (For Lord Ender Dragon "LED") - Created on: February 28th, 2025 Today's the final day of #FebOf2025, because of that of course, both the HHS & DDS HQs have decided to share this to all of you!!!!!!

This week's #FanArtFriday celebrates Five Nights at Freddy's! Go to gamejolt.com and accept the quest to get started.

2021 Parody Character #36 - Mr. Loveva Day (Created on: April 19th, 2024) Hello folks!!!!! We here at Jax Justun Studios wanted to share you guys the official #36thParodyMascot from Series Four of 2021 once again!!!!!

2018 Parody Character #2 - Larr (Created on: January 3rd, 2024) We've finally returned with another official TTCD Recorded Parody Archivos Recording here folks!!!!

Our 2024 Advent Calendar has opened! Day 24: @NickPerson is a great Creator who makes Five Nights at Freddy's fan games! Accept the quest and give them a follow to get Coins and a seasonal sticker!

Jax Justun Studios Video #50 - (Created on: Jan. 11th, 2025) I can't believe we'd all made it this far folks!!!! #50OfficialJJSvideos from 2024 through today here in 2025!!!!! And now, Haxx Hustun Studios has an amazing video to show you all here!!!!!!!!!